Unusual Nocturnal Creatures Discovered in Key West

By Dorn Martell

I’ve seen them with my own eyes…Man-sized chickens dancing on Duval Street. Electronic apparitions in feather boas. Night owls and howling wolves. We sent a team of scientists down to Key West to see if the stories were true and what they found was crazier than we ever expected. In fact, after a couple of nights on the town the research team went missing. We found some of their footage and made it into a new spot for Key West. While most destinations have very little to offer after the sun goes down, Key West has been ruling the night way before Hemingway was doing shots at Sloppy Joe’s. Check it out and join the migration to the southernmost nightspot in America.

New spot for Weddings and Honeymoons in the Florida Keys

By Dorn Martell

“The most important promise” is the name of our latest spot for the Florida Keys and Key West. We featured wedding venues from Key Largo to Key West that included lavish resort style weddings, intimate gatherings with a few friends on the pier and even a group of intrepid revelers gathered on a tiny island. The beautiful thing about romance in the Keys is that it is a place where you can fall in love, get engaged, get married, honeymoon or even renew your vows. So the Florida Keys become a life-long focal point for your relationship and the promise to return is the most important promise you’ll ever make to each other.

Tinsley Launches Viceroy Collection for City Furniture

Our new spot just broke in Miami targeting the ubiquitous urban condo dweller. The condo market has grown exponentially over the last several years and our new commercial uses a smooth EDM vibe and contemporary styling to sell City Furniture’s Viceroy Collection. Viceroy is a collection of pieces offering clean minimalist designs that fit in perfectly with today’s “downtown” scene. This spot is part of a four year re-branding effort that has been very successful. In a marketplace where sales at most home furnishing stores have remained flat, City Furniture has enjoyed double digit increases in same-store sales. Our efforts have also transformed the brand image from a “local” furniture store (formerly Waterbed City) to a national level and “higher end customers” are now flocking to more expensive brands like Bernhardt. Our campaign has won awards and driven sales – the ultimate test of a campaign’s performance.

Winds of change are blowing through Washington.

Our new creative for Washington D.C. train stations is causing quite a stir. Especially our poster that features a Snowy Egret (who’s having a bad hair day) sporting the headline: “Donald is that you?”. It’s hard to make noise in a town that’s known for an abundance of political “hot air” but our new campaign seems to have really gotten people’s attention.




This ad is part of a series of train station posters that dominated D.C. train stations during the month of February. Other posters featured headlines like “Swing State”, “Way outside the Beltway”, “Party Platform”, and “What the Founding Fathers were really looking for”. We stay pretty neutral on politics but we couldn’t miss an opportunity to make fun of the process and a certain candidate’s challenging comb-over.

Check out some of the other D.C. Train Stations Ads here.

Tinsley and City Furniture Introduce Bernhardt

By Dorn Martell

Two new commercials were unveiled this week introducing the arrival of the Bernhardt line of furniture at City Furniture. The Bernhardt line is inspired by timeless style and enduring quality. Tinsley found inspiration in the detail and design of these new pieces and shot our new spots on location in amazing homes in the Miami area. Our first spot, “Classic”, speaks to the power of classic design and its ability to stand the test of time. The second spot, “Understatement”, highlights the fact that elegance comes from simplicity. These spots will run in conjunction with our new branding campaign for City which has been stimulating sales and elevating the perception of the City Furniture brand overall throughout the South Florida market. “We really believe that home furnishings is at a nexus in the history of the industry and we think there are possibilities to do things that have never been done before.” said Alex Bernhardt Jr., President and CEO of Bernhardt. We couldn’t agree more.