Keeping our distance. Remaining connected.
By Dorn Martell
Everyday at Tinsley we work hard to bring people together. We want people to get out and try new things. To travel. To indulge. To find somebody to love. So, when the world went into lockdown over COVID-19 our world was turned upside down. “Hey everybody! Stay home!” is not something we are used to saying. But, as we all hunkered down and began to function as a virtual agency we had some thoughts. Let’s give people a break from all the horrible news and give them some distraction with some beautiful imagery from The Florida Keys. It also gave us time to reflect on what it means to be One Human Family and how we are all connected. Please stay safe. Stay home for now. Soon, everyone will be welcomed back to a place that has always been a welcome change from the mainstream. See you soon.