Giovanny Gutierrez, Tinsley’s Director of Interactive, named one of Miami’s Best Dressed by Brickell Magazine.

By Rick Blitman

Admit it. When you think of web guys, you think of Comic Book Guy from “The Simpsons.” Doughy. Pasty. Greasy. Wedged into an ill-fitting Federal Boob Inspector t-shirt. But that picture’s not entirely accurate. First, because chances are you’ve never actually seen a web guy. They don’t get out much. And second, because you’ve obviously never met Giovanny Gutierrez. And that’s unlikely, because there’s nobody he doesn’t know. Gio may be the only web guy on earth who’s completely at home in public. He was social media before there was social media. Which explains why when he’s not helping to keep Tinsley on the cutting edge, he’s the life of every party he attends, pursuing his other passion, food. One accidental taste of a cheeseburger sent this lifelong Vegan spiraling into a hard core food frenzy of pickled duck tongue and spherification caviar…which led to the creation of his highly successful Chat Chow web series. And now he’s been named one of the most stylish men in Miami. But don’t worry. Gio still puts his pants on one leg at a time. They’re just better tailored than yours.

Gio - Miami Best Dressed

Tinsley Creates New Keys Co-op Website

By ROB BUSWEILER Free Press Staff

Cooperative advertising with the Monroe County Tourist Development Council has been made a little bit easier.

TDC officials met with members of the Middle and Lower Keys District Advisory Council on Tuesday and Wednesday this week to unveil the new Web site that allows private businesses to piggyback on national and international advertising campaigns. The county’s promotional materials are handled by Tinsley Advertising.

Businesses can get started on the process by going online to

The new Web site allows for businesses to pay for placement in the ad campaigns handled by Tinsley online. The Web site lays out the rates and placement dates for the separate campaigns.

“This streamlined a lot of things,” said Tinsley Account Executive Sharon Joseph.

Businesses can submit their desired ad copy and payment information on one form. The private business information is then placed below the main artwork from the TDC ad. Officials from Tinsley said it gives the small private businesses a national presence at a fraction of the cost.

Tinsley execs also laid out a video presentation that showcased some of their upcoming targets for this year’s advertising campaign.

Those targets included trying to reach the traditional niche markets that the Keys have been successful with in years past, such as families, scuba divers, fishermen and the wedding crowd.

One of the new additions to the market grab is Tinsley’s attempt to try and reach eco-friendly tourists. The video displayed a new television advertisement focused on attracting “green” tourists, which showcased visitors using bicycles and kayaks to get around, in addition to those enjoying the coral reef.

“The ads are very catchy,” said Middle Keys DAC Board Member Vicki Tashian.

The DACs and the TDC have already committed to upping advertising budgets this year, with a greater focus on an internet presence.
